Prebid: The Future of Programmatic Advertising

What is Prebid?

Prebid is an open-source header bidding solution that allows publishers to offer their ad inventory to multiple demand sources simultaneously, allowing them to maximize their ad revenue by selling to the highest bidder. It was created in 2015 by AppNexus, a global advertising technology company, as a way to level the playing field for publishers and give them more control over their ad inventory.

How Does Prebid Work?

Prebid works by integrating with a publisher’s ad server, such as Google Ad Manager, and sending a request to multiple demand sources at the same time. These demand sources, also known as demand partners, include ad exchanges, ad networks, and direct advertisers. When a user visits a website with Prebid implemented, the demand partners are given a chance to bid on the ad space before the ad server’s ad server makes a decision. This allows publishers to sell their ad inventory to the highest bidder, rather than relying on a single ad server to make the decision.

Prebid is implemented through the use of a JavaScript library, which is added to the publisher’s website. This library sends the request for bids to the demand partners, and then receives the bids in return. The bids are then ranked based on the bid price and other factors, such as the ad format and the target audience. The highest bidder is then selected and the ad is served to the user.

Benefits of Prebid for Publishers

Prebid offers several benefits for publishers, including:

  1. Increased ad revenue: By allowing multiple demand partners to bid on ad inventory, publishers are able to sell their ad space to the highest bidder, increasing their ad revenue.
  2. Greater control: Prebid gives publishers more control over their ad inventory and the demand partners that are bidding on it. They are able to set rules and parameters for the bids, such as the ad format and target audience, and have the final say on which bid is accepted.
  3. Improved user experience: Prebid can help improve the user experience by reducing the number of ads that are served to users and improving the quality of the ads that are shown. By allowing multiple demand partners to bid on the ad space, publishers are able to select the best ad for their audience, rather than relying on a single ad server to make the decision.
  4. Enhanced transparency: Prebid provides transparency for both publishers and demand partners by allowing them to see the bids that were received and the factors that were used to determine the winning bid. This helps to ensure that the process is fair and transparent for all parties involved.

Benefits of Prebid for Demand Partners

Prebid also offers several benefits for demand partners, including:

  1. Access to premium inventory: Prebid allows demand partners to bid on premium ad inventory that may not have been available through traditional ad servers.
  2. Increased competition: By allowing multiple demand partners to bid on the same ad inventory, Prebid increases competition and allows demand partners to offer higher prices for the ad space.
  3. Improved targeting: Prebid allows demand partners to target specific audiences and ad formats, allowing them to reach their desired audience more effectively.
  4. Enhanced transparency: Prebid provides transparency for both publishers and demand partners by allowing them to see the bids that were received and the factors that were used to determine the winning bid. This helps to ensure that the process is fair and transparent for all parties involved.

Challenges of Prebid

While Prebid offers many benefits for both publishers and demand partners, it is not without its challenges. Some of the challenges that publishers and demand partners may face when implementing Prebid include:

  1. Integration and implementation: Prebid requires integration with the publisher’s ad server and implementation through the use of a JavaScript library. This can be a time-consuming and technical process, and may require the assistance of a developer.
  2. Increased latency: Prebid adds an additional step to the ad serving process, which can result in increased latency, or the time it takes for an ad to load. This can negatively impact the user experience and may result in lower ad performance.
  3. Limited demand partners: While Prebid allows publishers to connect with multiple demand partners, it is limited to those that are compatible with the Prebid technology. This may limit the pool of potential demand partners for publishers.
  4. Complex bid management: Prebid allows for multiple demand partners to bid on the same ad inventory, which can lead to complex bid management for publishers. They must carefully evaluate and select the best bid, taking into account various factors such as bid price, ad format, and target audience.


Prebid is a powerful tool that allows publishers to offer their ad inventory to multiple demand sources simultaneously, allowing them to maximize their ad revenue by selling to the highest bidder. It offers numerous benefits for both publishers and demand partners, including increased ad revenue, greater control, improved user experience, and enhanced transparency. While it does have its challenges, such as integration and implementation, increased latency, limited demand partners, and complex bid management, it has proven to be a successful solution for many publishers looking to increase their ad revenue and improve the user experience.