Everything you need to know about In-Page Push Ads

In-Page Push Ads is the new and trendy ad format at the moment. It’s no wonder – with a highly engaging design, user-friendliness, and compatibility across all devices, push ads are being favored by advertisers and publishers alike.

If you want to use In-Page Push Ads to monetize your website, carry on reading to understand why, and how, to use them. In-Page Push ads on mobile and desktop

What are In-Page Push Ads

In-Page Push Ads are an evolution of Push Ads. The ad format of push ads came into our life a couple of years ago and was met with skepticism, mostly because of the recent Chrome 80 update, and the rise of ad blockers.

Despite these doubts, Push ads proved to be one of the most stable and profitable ad formats by having higher click-through rates than normal banner ads and was considered the top choice for marketers and affiliates to get traffic to their site.

Following push ads’ rise in popularity, in-page push ads were introduced.

This new and exciting ad format is similar to its ancestor but has a couple of differences which proved to make it an even better ad format.

Push Ads vs. In-Page Push Ads

In-page push ads are a type of banner ads “dressed” as push notifications. Unlike push ads, in-page push is displayed directly on the publisher’s site, like banner ads. This gives them the high-performance rates push ads have, but without the limitations.

  1. In-page push ads don’t require users to subscribe to receive them, unlike push ads where subscription is mandatory. Because there isn’t an option to subscribe for in-page push, there also isn’t an option to unsubscribe.
  2. After the Chrome 80 version, Google Chrome learns how a user reacts to push notifications and, if a user commonly disables them, it will disable all further questions. In opposition to that, in-page push does not require a subscription. They’re independent of Chrome 80 subscription requests blocking and can act as an alternative to where push ads won’t work.
  3. In-page push ads are shown directly on publishers’ websites. This means in-page push ads are available for all users, on all desktop and mobile devices — iOS included. This is big news, considering iPhone users were completely neglected from push ads until then.
  4. Traditional push ads are delivered straight to a user’s device, even when he’s not actively using it. On the other hand, in-page push ads are shown to users only when they actively engage and enter a publisher’s website, further emphasizing their non-intrusive nature.

Benefits of In-Page Push Ads

Doesn’t require a subscription

As previously mentioned, aside from appearing only within the website’s page, in-page push ads do not require the user to subscribe to receive the ads. It can be shown to anyone visiting the webpage.

High CTR

The average CTR for in-page push ads has been proven to be much higher than that of banner ads. Because of its familiar design, in-page push ads immediately capture the eyes of users. Additionally, these ads are non-intrusive, not competing for attention with the publisher’s content or other banner ads.

Utilizes the CPC billing model

Similar to the regular push ads, in-page push ads also use the CPC billing model, which means marketers only need to pay for each click the ad gets, and publishers profit off of the high CTR.

Immediate impressions

In-page push ads are displayed to users the moment the bidding is won. That means whenever a user enters a webpage, the moment the bidding auction is won, the in-page push ad is displayed to that user. It’s a sticky message that stays on the area it is displayed on, even when the user scrolls up or down. That means there is no way a visitor will not see the ad, unlike with regular banner ads which can be hidden in locations the user won’t necessarily see.

Available across all devices and browsers

While push ads are shown on the user’s device without the need to open a browser, in-page push notifications are displayed on the website itself. On mobile devices, it’s usually displayed at the top or bottom of the screen, while on desktop it can be displayed on any of the 4 corners of the webpage.

Engaging structure

Since in-page push ads were designed to look like the push notifications we all get on our mobile devices, the ads enjoy the sense of trust and familiarity users have already developed with similar-looking notifications over the years. Many users already have banner ad blindness, after being used to see and ignore these types of ads, so this new design allows advertisers to capture the attention of users that are wary of banners.


In-Page Push has a very appealing and nice structure. It is user-friendly and is very adaptable to the user’s needs. Advertisers can customize the ad with their own image and copy to create a unique and engaging copy.

As for the publisher, the ads are non-intrusive and make monetization simple. It does not interfere with the website’s design or UI/UX. You must strategize the placement of the ads – top or bottom, right or left corner. Different locations will impact the way users will react and engage with the ads.

PurpleAds ad structure and design

Best verticals for In-Page Push Ads

  • Cryptocurrency and Finance

Loans, mortgages, cryptocurrency – all of these offers are constantly in high demand. In-page push ads work great here – consumers who are looking for new crypto platforms tend to appreciate personalized insider tips, and financial services can deliver a message without seeming as too aggressive or suspicious.

  • Sweepstakes, Coupons, and Freebies

Consumers nowadays are generally suspicious of freebies and don’t jump to trust anyone with an enticing offer. In-page push ads are a great way to offer a freebie, sweepstakes, coupons, and other promotional offers designed to engage potential customers without seeming like a scam – by providing information with a casual, non-misleading approach.

  • Gambling, Casino, and Betting

The gambling, casino, and betting industries may not be the most traditional verticals to promote on one’s website, but in the case, it could work on yours, know that there is a demand. Push notifications are ideal because they deliver low-key messages that don’t trigger any negative reactions in users.

  • Diet, Beauty, and Nutra

This industry has always been a favorite for affiliates. Health, beauty, diet, and Nutra are sectors people will always be willing to spend money on, from vitamins, weight-loss, and building muscle, there are endless niches in this category.

  • Ecommerce

This vertical has always been one of the biggest and most stable ones. There will forever be a sale, promotion, product, or business to promote, and publishers have been taking advantage of that. With in-page push ads, one can promote either a specific product, service, or bring awareness to a whole business.

  • Mobile Games

Mobile gaming has become more and more popular in the last few years. Currently, there are over 1.96 million apps available on the app store, and 2.56 million available through the Google Play Store. When consumers receive a push ad that looks like a casual message from a friend it’s much easier to suggest a game, mobile utility, or subscription service without sounding too direct, there’s a higher chance of them trying that app or service.

  • Travel and Entertainment

Consumers are always searching for new appliances, gadgets, and accessories which help make their life easier. Additionally, the travel sector is also always well-sought after, users are constantly looking for deals for their next vacation. Push ads work well for both travel and entertainment and can be used by publishers to create engaging advertisements that cause curiosity and help these users find new products every day.

  • Dating

This vertical has a constant buzz around it. Even when other verticals might fail you, dating always remains relevant. Dating offers are meant to attract and entice the user to carry on the flow, and as such, in-page push ads have very high CTR in this vertical.

  • News

News and entertainment offers are now among the best to promote through push ads because people are always looking for reliable and interesting content to find around the web. Political instability, misinformation, global events, and even fun, quirky articles, speak to almost every person, making this vertical perfect for in-page push ads.

  • Lead Generation

Using in-page push ads is a great way to generate more leads. These frequent reminders on the web or mobile are a great way to keep the interaction and engagement going between the user and the offer, especially if the ad manages to trigger hype in the user.

Best verticals and niches for in-page push ads

How to start monetizing with In-Page Push Ads?

In-page push traffic is a fresh, new format and the publisher base is growing day by day. Monetising by displaying in-page push ads is made easy with PurpleAds. Our platform provides a simple, fast experience for even the newest of publishers.

Just open a PurpleAds account, follow the publisher guide and start displaying in-page push ads on your website, in no time!

PurpleAds is leading the in-page push market with easy to create and display ads


To sum up, in-page push ads notifications are a win-win scenario for everybody — publishers, advertisers, and users. They offer a non-intrusive, user-friendly, and highly-engaging way for advertisers to reconnect and expand their audiences.

This new ad format was launched not long ago but is already becoming one of the most popular formats in the advertising world, with lots of monetization opportunities.

If you have yet to join, you should try taking advantage of the hype and start monetizing by displaying in-page push ads on your site.