How to create In-Page Push Ads that convert

Since their introduction in 2020, in-page push ads have become one of the most popular new advertising formats available.

This highly engaging format climbed to the top because of its visibility, high engagement, and most importantly, its exceptional performance.

In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about in-page push ads from what they are and why they’re so effective, to all the tips and tricks of creating profitable push campaigns.

What are in-page push ads?

In-page push ads are a type of banner ads “dressed” as push notifications.

In the recent years since their introduction, push ads have proved to be one of the most stable and profitable ad formats. They have high CTRs, compared to normal banner ads and are considered the top choice for marketers and affiliates to get traffic to their site.

Following push ads’ rise in popularity, in-page push ads were introduced. This new and exciting ad format is similar to its ancestor but has a couple of differences which proved to make it an even better ad format.

Unlike push ads, in-page push is displayed directly on the publisher’s site, like banner ads. This gives them the high-performance rates push ads have, but without the limitations:

  • In-page push ads don’t require users to subscribe to view the ads
  • They’re independent of Chrome 80 subscription request blocking and can act as an alternative to where push ads won’t work.
  • In-page push ads are shown directly on publishers’ websites across all devices and browsers – IOS included.

Tips for creating push ads that convert

1. Optimize your creative

Every in-page push ad consists of three main, customizable elements: a title, a description/message, and an image,

In order to increase your push ads conversion rates, it is important that you optimize each of the three components of your ad copy, and make it as engaging as possible.


People are visual creatures, which is why the graphics will be the first thing that catches the eye. The image often attracts the most attention and can be the determining factor in whether or not the user clicks on your ad.

The images you use should be exciting and create a sense of curiosity. They should also not be overly obnoxious and drive trust in the users. Keep your designs simple to avoid distracting users with complicated details


Some in-page push ads contain a title. The push ad’s title is a major element in engaging the user. The title is bolder and bigger than the actual body of the ad, making it more noticeable.

The purpose of the title is to present an enticing hook, making users want to continue and read the rest of the ad, rather than ignoring it.

However, that does not mean you need to write a long and descriptive title. Quite the opposite! You should keep your titles short and top the point while making sure to use power words that capture the user’s attention.


Your ad message is usually the last thing users look at. Thus, it is your final chance to convert them.

This is the place to get creative and show the value of your offer to the recipients of the ads. Both the title and message of the ad have limited characters, so you must be concise and convincing.

So now that we’re done with the things you should do, here are some things you can actually add to your copy in order to improve its effectiveness:

  • Use power words

Power words are persuasive, descriptive words that evoke a desired emotion in the reader. Writers and marketers often use power words to compel people to take action.

Incorporating power words in your ad copy is one of the easiest and fastest ways to increase your conversion rates.

Particularly, power words that imply urgency are the way to go when trying to convert someone on the spot. Urgency causes people to act quickly. It makes people think that they have no other option than to convert immediately and cuts through a lot of delays to create a significant improvement in CTRs.

Try incorporating one of these urgency power words in your ad copies:

NowRight nowIn stock
LimitedDeadlineBefore it’s too late
While supplies lastLast chanceToday
Selling quickFinalOnly a few left in stock
Last chanceNever againExpires
Limited time offerOnly X time leftOrder now and…
Running outImmediatelyFast

For 100+ more power words, and information about their abilities, check out this power words for conversions guide.

  • Play with colors

In marketing, the meaning of color and color psychology play an essential role in eliciting action from the consumer.

According to one study, “people make up their minds within 90 seconds of their initial interactions with either people or products. About 62‐90 percent of the assessment is based on colors alone.”

Try designing your ad while keeping in mind how you want your audience to feel, and incorporate the colors that match that feeling.

You can also choose specific colors for seasonal offers – like red and green for Christmas, rainbow colors for the new year, black for Black Friday sales, etc…

  • Use emojis

Emojis are always a good idea to catch your customers’ eyes. They can make unknown brands and companies feel more relatable and human, making people trust them more.

However, that does not mean you should use emojis in excess. They should be picked carefully to fit within your message, and optimally used either in the title, image, or at the very end of your message.

Here are the top-performing emojis to improve CTR. according to Hubspot.

2. A/B testing

The more creatives you use, the better – this is key with push advertising. Multiple creatives help to make a/b testing and choose what the audience likes.

There is an unlimited amount of variables you can optimize and change during the course of A/B testing. Some of the most effective factors to optimize include the color, font, text size, and of course the copy.

If you feel like you don’t want to spend your time A/B testing, but would still like to analyze and find the best performing creatives, try looking for an ad network that allows you to upload multiple ad creatives, securing even distribution of them among traffic, thus allowing you to identify the best performing items. Select the top performers and create a winning ad set for your push ads campaign.

3. Rotation of creatives

Even if you’ve performed A/B testing and have chosen creatives that perform really well, it’s necessary to change these variants so that users don’t get tired of them.

When someone gets accustomed to seeing the same ad, they are less likely to click on it. Much like a TV ad or an over-repeated song on the radio. This phenomenon is called ad fatigue, and it often leads to a drop in performance in push campaigns over time.

You can easily combat this by replacing the overused creatives with some new original ones.

4. Target the right audience

Nowadays, personalized messages are the way to go if you want to run effective marketing campaigns. People won’t usually pay attention to things that seem irrelevant to them, and often get frustrated by such ads.

In addition, you wouldn’t want to waste money displaying ads to an audience that does not care about them, and most likely won’t convert.

With push traffic, you can’t go into personalized messages with names or interests since you don’t have that kind of information. You can, however, target the audience you won’t to display your ads to based on several options.

At PuropleAds, these are the types of targeting options we offer:

  • Website category
  • Geographical location (GEO)
  • Device Type
  • Operating System
  • Browser
  • Connection Type (soon)
  • Browser language (soon)

5. Popular in-page push ads verticals

Offers that solve users’ problems show especially nice results on in-page push ads. It’s better to try and advertise offers that are aimed at a wide audience with different needs.

Some verticals have shown especially good results with in-page push ads. See if you can try and fit your offer into one of the following categories:

  • E-commerce & Travel
  • Mobile Apps & Games
  • Gambling & Sports Betting
  • Sweepstakes/Coupons
  • Dating
  • Health & Beauty
  • Finance
  • News & Entertainment
  • Video Streaming
  • Job Search

How to start advertising with in-page push ads?

Now that you know all about in-page push ads, and how to best optimize them, it’s time to launch your in-page push ad campaign!

For those interested, here’s how to run in-page push campaigns in PurpleAds:

  1. Create an advertiser account and read the documentation.
  2. Visit your advertiser dashboard, launch a new campaign and fill in your required campaign details
  3. Create new in-page push ads and choose your targeting preferences.


In-page push ads are a trending ad format, offering a non-intrusive, user-friendly, and highly engaging way for advertisers to reconnect and expand their audiences.

When creating your first in-page push ad campaign, try incorporating the tips we shared in this article, and most importantly, keep optimizing based on your campaign results.