A Comprehensive Guide to Video Advertising: In-Stream vs Out-Stream Formats

Introduction to Video Advertising

Video advertising is a form of online advertising that uses video content to promote products or services. It is a highly effective way to reach and engage audiences, as it allows marketers to showcase their products or services in a visually appealing and interactive way.

Video advertising can be delivered through various platforms, including social media, online video platforms, websites, and mobile apps. It can also be served through various ad formats, such as instream and outstream.

In-Stream Video Advertising

In-stream video advertising refers to video ads that are played within a stream of content, such as a video on YouTube or a TV show on a streaming platform. In-stream ads are typically displayed before, during, or after the main content, and they can be either skippable or non-skippable.

Skippable in-stream ads are ads that viewers can skip after a certain amount of time, usually five seconds. These ads are typically shorter and more attention-grabbing, as they need to capture the viewer’s attention within the first few seconds to prevent them from skipping the ad. Non-skippable in-stream ads, on the other hand, cannot be skipped and must be watched in full. These ads are usually longer and more informative, as they have more time to deliver their message.

In-stream video ads are typically sold on a cost-per-view (CPV) or cost-per-impression (CPI) basis, which means that the advertiser pays each time the ad is viewed or displayed. In-stream video ads are a popular choice for advertisers looking to reach a large and targeted audience, as they can be served to specific demographics or interests and are often highly effective at driving brand awareness and engagement.

Out-Stream Video Advertising

Out-stream video advertising refers to video ads that are played outside of a stream of content, such as on a website or a mobile app. Out-stream ads are typically displayed in the form of a banner or a native ad, and they are usually served as a standalone ad unit.

Out-stream video ads are typically sold on a cost-per-thousand (CPM) basis, which means that the advertiser pays each time the ad is served to 1,000 viewers. Out-stream video ads are a popular choice for advertisers looking to reach a broad audience, as they can be served to a wide range of websites and mobile apps and are often highly effective at driving brand awareness and engagement.

One of the main advantages of out-stream video ads is that they can be served to a wider range of devices and platforms, including desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. This makes them highly versatile and allows advertisers to reach their target audiences across multiple channels.

Key Differences Between In-Stream and Out-Stream Video Ads

There are several key differences between in-stream and out-stream video ads, including the following:

  1. Placement: In-stream video ads are played within a stream of content, while out-stream video ads are played outside of a stream of content.
  2. Length: In-stream video ads can be either skippable or non-skippable, while out-stream video ads are typically shorter and more attention-grabbing.
  3. Ad format: In-stream video ads are typically displayed before, during, or after the main content, while out-stream video ads are usually displayed in the form of a banner or a native ad.
  4. Pricing model: In-stream video ads are usually sold on a CPV or CPI basis, while out-stream video ads are typically sold on a CPM basis.
  5. Targeting: In-stream video ads can be served to specific demographics or interests, while out-stream video ads can be served to a wide range of websites and mobile apps.
  6. Device compatibility: In-stream video ads are typically served on online video platforms and streaming platforms, while out-stream video ads can be served on a wide range of devices and platforms, including desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

Why Publishers Should Use Video Ads on Their Websites

As a publisher, using video ads on your website can be a great way to generate additional revenue and monetize your content. Here are a few reasons why you should consider using video ads on your website:

  1. High engagement: Video ads are highly engaging, as they allow viewers to actively watch and interact with the content. This can lead to higher levels of brand awareness and engagement, and can ultimately drive more sales and revenue for your business.
  2. Increased ad revenue: Video ads are often more expensive than other types of ads, which means that you can potentially earn more revenue from video ads than you would from other types of ads.
  3. Increased user retention: Video ads can help to keep users on your website longer, as they are more likely to watch and interact with the content. This can ultimately lead to higher levels of user retention and increased traffic to your website.
  4. Improved user experience: Video ads can enhance the user experience on your website, as they provide a visually appealing and interactive element that can keep users engaged and interested.


In conclusion, video advertising is a powerful tool for reaching and engaging audiences, and it comes in two main formats: instream and outstream. Understanding the differences between these formats is crucial for marketers looking to effectively reach their target audiences and achieve their advertising goals.

In-stream video advertising is a popular choice for advertisers looking to reach a large and targeted audience, as it can be served to specific demographics or interests and is often highly effective at driving brand awareness and engagement. Out-stream video advertising, on the other hand, is a popular choice for advertisers looking to reach a broad audience, as it can be served to a wide range of websites and mobile apps and is often highly effective at driving brand awareness and engagement.

Overall, both instream and outstream video advertising can be highly effective at driving brand awareness and engagement, and the right choice will depend on the specific goals and target audience of the campaign. For publishers, using video ads on your website can be a highly effective way to generate additional revenue and improve the user experience for your visitors. By understanding the differences between instream and outstream video ads and choosing the right ad format for your needs, you can effectively reach and engage your target audience and drive more sales and revenue for your business.